Registration is open now for both returning and new wrestlers.
Registration will remain open until we are filled.
After registration closes, If you would like to join the waiting list, which we often tap, please go to Step 2. Thanks for your interest!
The B-CC Youth Wrestling Club is limited in size based on the availability of practice facilities. Priority is given to existing club members and their siblings. Registration for returning wrestlers and their siblings is now open! General registration will open on TBA. If no space is available, a waiting list will be created. If any wrestlers drop off the team, wrestlers on the waiting list can join the team up to three weeks into the season.
The registration fee is $375 per wrestler. There is a $100 discount for siblings. Financial assistance is available if needed. Fee includes singlet (for the season), t-shirt, shorts, hoodie and registration for a season of competition at MYWL or TOP. Wrestlers will need to provide their own shoes and headgear. We will have a shoe swap at the beginning of the year. Additional apparel can be purchased early in the season.
To register complete the following steps:
Step 1: USA Wrestling membership
Purchase or renew your wrestler's USA Wrestling membership at https://www.usawmembership.com. Select the limited folkstyle USA Wrestling athlete membership and select the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Youth Wrestling Club as your club. Cost is $20. Wrestlers may not participate in any club activities without an active USA Wrestling membership, and you cannot complete the registration form without a membership number.
Step 2: Registration Form
If you are registering more than one wrestler, fill out the form separately for each wrestler. Click here for the registration form or copy and paste the following into your browser:
Step 3: Waiver & Acknowledgment Form
Read the program manual, fill out and sign the waiver & acknowledgment form (both attached on the right), and scan and email the form to bccyouthwrestling@gmail.com with the subject, "Registration." A parent or guardian must sign all releases and waivers of liability before a wrestler may participate in any club activities.
Step 4: Pay the Registration Fee
Payment Methods:
1) PayPal - Send payment to bccyouthwrestling@gmail.com
2) Venmo - Send payment to Ina Herrera: @Ina-Herrera The last 4 digits of her phone are 2830
3) Check - Made out to "Bethesda-Chevy Chase Youth Wrestling Club, Inc." and mailed to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Youth Wrestling Club, Inc. c/o Mynor Herrera, 2206 Mark Court, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Waiver Form
Program Manual